Language and identity in the life stories of Latvian expats in Sweden


The paper discusses the problems of migration and integration of Latvian diaspora in the new host countries. One of the central tasks for Latvia’s diaspora policy is to support preservation of Latvian language and culture in diaspora with the aim of strengthening the Latvian identity and the sense of belonging to Latvia. The language knowledge of the host country is one of the main skills to integrate there. In the same time the migrants try to preserve their ethnic identity, keeping in the family and close network their native or heritage language and traditions.

May 27, 2021 — May 28, 2021
Targu Mures (Romania)
Maruta Pranka

Socioloģe, LU Filozofijas un socioloģijas institūta pētniece

Ginta Elksne

Socioloģe, LU pētniece, strādā LU HZF Filozofijas un socioloģijas institūtā.