Closing speech of the conference «Generation, Migration and Memory: Narrative and its Transformations»Speaker: Prof. Vieda Skultāne. November 13, 2020, Riga, Latvia.Vieda SkultāneNov 12, 2020Project Source DocumentVideo Konference 2020Vieda Skultāneleading researchersocial anthropologistRelatedLudmila Artamoshkina (Saint-Petersburg State University, Russian Federation) Biographical writing: from generational memory to cultural memoryProf. Molly Andrews (University of East London, UK). ’I am a child of my time’: the (in)conceivability of a country that is no longerEdmunds Šūpulis (University of Latvia). Voices of generations: the transfer of memories in the Baltics StatesVidmantas Vyšniauskas (Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania). Impacts of globalisation and the intergenerational transmission of memory in Lithuania’s Šalčininkai regionMartin Nõmm (University of Tartu, Estonia) Generational pressures of identity and belonging in the autobiographical works of Agate Nesaule and Elin Toona