«Ordinary Lives in Extraordinary History»Documentary introduces individuals whose stories provide insights into Latvia’s recent historyMāra Zirnīte, Maruta Jurjāne, Agita Lūse, Māra Lazda, Aivars Lubānietis, Artūrs LoginsJun 9, 2019Source DocumentVideoMāra ZirnīteResearcherOral history researcher, coordinator of National Oral History projectAgita LūseresearcherAnthropologist, researcher at the Institute of Philosophy and SociologyRelated«Methods of surveying migrants and new migrants»Photo exhibition «Latvians in Sweden: 1944–1990, Photographer Fricis Forstmanis»«The changing character of immigration and integration regimes, and the impact on the urban society: The case study of Oslo»Annual Conference of the CEES «On the Move: Migration and Diasporas» - Part 1Annual Conference of the CEES «On the Move: Migration and Diasporas» - Part 2