Ginta Elksne


University of Latvia

Master’s thesis at Riga Stradins University (2007) «Denationalized House in Riga: Analysis of Biographical Interviews of Residents in the Context of Social Change». Master’s thesis at the Faculty of Humanities, University of Latvia: «History of the Early Han Dynasty and its influence on the tradition of recording the history of dynasties in China» (2017). Research interests include analysis of oral history and biographical sources, qualitative research method in sociology, analysis of life story texts and other documentary sources, migration and remigration topics in life stories; as well as the history and culture of Ancient China.


  • oral history and biographical sources
  • migration and remigration
  • history and culture of Ancient China


  •, 2007

    Rīga Stradinš University

  • Mg.hum, 2017

    University of Latvia

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