Different experience of the members of one family during World War II exodus


The paper is dedicated to comparing of children and adults experience during the Second World War exodus from Latvia. The objective is based on the assumption that various age groups comprehended the process of fleeing differently which is also reflected in their memories. The main source is life stories of the members of Brunovsku family – mother Aina, father Ginters and their son Bruno who was 5 years old at the time of the exodus. Based on the analysis of the experience of Brunovsku family, it was concluded that the main difference between child and adult experiences of World War II exodus is that children often perceived this experience as an adventure. Instead – for adults it was difficult challenge related to the loss of almost all of their resources (both material and non-material). Although in the case of Bruno Brunvoskis this feeling of adventure was not so pronounced, in his memories the experience of exodus is not so dramatic and intensely as his parents who better understood the dangerous circumstances and their potential consequences. Furthermore, it is understandable that the people who fled with their children had additional responsibility and care, while the children were only concerned about direct danger and about their parents’ emotional state.

Atsauce: Krūmiņa, M. (2014) Different experience of the members of one family during World War II exodus. Family History: Facilitating Intergenerational and Intercultural Exchange, 3-4 November, 2014, Tartu, Estonia: Abstracts (p.14). Tartu: Estonian Literary Museum