Symposium «Postmemory: memory in exile and exiled memory»

A meeting of Baltic and Nordic researchers took place at the Department of History of Stockholm University - a symposium in which researchers shared their findings about refugees, exiles and emigrants from Latvia in modern times, evaluating the process from the perspective of memory.

Foto: Fricis Forstmanis

University of Latvia was represented in the symposium by the researchers from the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Faculty of Social Sciences and Diaspora and Migration Research Center.

The symposium was organized by Stockholm University in cooperation with the University of Latvia, «Life Story», the association of Latvian oral historians, and the Estonian Literary Museum within the framework of the Nordplus program.

Session 1. Postmemory and exile

August 14th, Stockholm University, Room D837

9:30Maryam Adjam and Maija Runcis: Introduction & coffee
10:15Marcia Sa Cavalcante Schuback,
«Memory in exile»
11:00Irina Sandomirskaja,
«Thumbelina, the Subject of Postmemory: Michel Serres on the Generation of the Fortunate»
13:30Vieda Skultāne,
« Language and Violence: the Case of the French Group in Soviet Latvia»
14:15Leena Kurvet-Käosaar,
«Some Pathways of Transgenerational Transmission of Memory of Exile Estonians»

Session 2. Exilic Life Stories

August 15th, Stockholm University, Room D837

09.30Baiba Bela, and Anete Kriķīte,
« Migration experience of transnationals: narratives about work-life balance»
10.15Coffee break
10.45Kaspars Zellis,
« Metanarratives and individual experiences in Latvian exile lifestories»
11.30Ginta Elksne and Ilze Koroļeva,
« Sense of belonging and preservation of national identity: Latvian emigrants in Sweden after 1991»
13.30Maruta Pranka,
« Intergenerational transmission of ethnic identity — contradictions and acceptance»
14.15Laura Bužinska,
« Storytelling as a powerful tool for creating sense of belonging»
15.00Coffee and concluding words: Maryam Adjam and Maija Runcis

Photo: On the streets of Stockholm, Baltic exiles demonstrate against USSR imperialism.